Tuesday, January 11, 2022

First Post (PLN)


    My name is Isabelle and I am majoring in Geology (it is very strange and uncommon, I know). When I graduate I hope to get into a 2-year Master's program to then become a geologist. I am not exactly sure where I want to work or what I want to do just yet, but I am currently in a research group that is exposing me to different career paths. I am minoring in education because I have always loved helping kids. In high school, I worked at Mathnasium which is a math tutoring center and I loved it. I hope to work with children on the side or in my free time while I am a geologist.

    I have used a lot of different technology in educational settings, especially since COVID-19 began. I have used many programs that help with geology labs such as unit cell and theriak-domino. Microsoft office and google drive are also very helpful pieces of technology. Canvas has been really helpful in the college setting in terms of posting videos, powerpoints, or announcements. When I was younger we used a variety of different quiz-based websites such as Kahoot, Khan Academy, Quizziz, and Quizlet.

    I feel as if I have many different PLN's. The main one that I go to often is the FSU Reddit, r/FSU. This Reddit is super helpful because there are many students that are in the same boat and there have been years worth of questions asked on this site. Then you can easily find your answer or read about someone's individual experience that might along the way of your own educational journey. Another PLN of mine includes my fellow peers. Since Geology is such a small program it acts more like a community since you are moving along with a small group of students from class to class each semester. We have formed study groups and use GroupMe to communicate. We always like to say "we are suffering together" since geology is a lot more difficult than we had all originally thought. These personal networks of mine have made it easier to navigate college and my specific program as well as keep my grades consistent. 

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