Tuesday, January 18, 2022

Blog 2!!

    I don't have too much experience using Microsoft Word in school because Chromebooks were introduced to me in middle school and I have used Google Docs since then because I am familiar with it. In my freshman year of high school, I did get Microsoft certified, but I definitely lost those skills since I learned them and did not use them for years. At FSU, I have used Microsoft Word a little bit more than in high school because the education courses that I have taken preferred to use Word. However, I do still prefer Google Docs because I am more familiar with it and don't have to play around with the software to do my assignments and get them to look the way I want them to.
    The ISTE standard that I found most meaningful to me was 2.5 Designer. This standard essentially states that teachers should use technology to introduce different learning tools to accommodate different styles of learning which benefit a wide range of students in multiple ways. This facilitates a better understanding of the material. This also allows students to be creative and exposes them to a new learning environment. 
    A "digital native" is someone that was born in a time where technology is very popular and is used in many different ways than it used to. It can also be used to classify a group that uses technology as their native language in a way. This is a group of people who can learn different digital technology fast and efficiently.  I definitely agree with the term "digital natives" because the groups before the "digital native" group have a harder time picking up on different uses of technology and have a difficult time understanding how to get technology to work the way they want it to. However, if they pass the device to someone who is considered a digital native or even just show them a digital program they can reach the digital immigrant's goal faster. I didn't see much of a difference in the use of technology between myself and my teachers in grades K-12 because they were teaching a digital generation and wanted to "keep up". There were times when they would ask questions or would not be as fast setting up a PowerPoint as students were. However, there have been large differences between most of my teachers at FSU and myself with the use of technology. They are constantly asking questions and choose to work around technology or take longer getting used to different websites. Honestly, I feel as if this has made me more flexible in my learning which I have a hard time with because I tend to be a creature of habit. I do think, however, that sometimes the teachers who tend to not use technology can use it to make both of our lives easier in the learning environment, but they try to avoid it at all costs. I feel as if this will be a constant cycle. The generations after us will always be more knowledgeable and efficient in terms of technology, but with every generation, the groups will get better. For example, we are better than our parents in terms of technology, our kids will be better at technology than us, then their kids will be better at them. 

1 comment:

  1. Hey Isabelle,

    It is interesting to see how many people actually use and enjoy Google Docs. I am not a huge fan at all! I really only use google docs for group work. In those cases, I find it especially convenient. I think the designer standard you mentioned is super important because it really encourages teachers to work with students and their different learning styles. All students are different in their own unique way, so some might not learn in the same ways that others learn. As educators, it is important to always strive to make curriculum that allows students t effectively learn the material, based other different learning styles.


Blog 9!!

       Hello! So far this semester distance learning has been much more manageable than my previous semesters at FSU. I have actually been p...