Sunday, January 30, 2022

Blog 3!


Copyright is used to protect someone's original creations or ideas from being used or distributed by others. Some examples of items that tend to be copyrighted are books, music, and motion pictures. Fair use allows people to create copies of copyrighted material only for educational and nonprofit purposes. However, there are some limitations because it depends on different factors: the amount of the copyrighted material being used, how it is being used in general, and the effect of the material being used. There are so many instructional tools and classroom materials in general that can be found online. In order for me to use these, I would need to make sure that I am allowed to use them in my classroom. Most of the time you can tell what you can and cannot use because it will state for public use or not and maybe even make you pay for the item. For my own creations, I will look into getting them copyrighted. For my students' own creations I will remind them of the rules about using copyrighted material and what to do if they would like to copyright their own material whether that is now or in the future.

One technology implementation issue is cyberbullying. Chromebooks that are used in schools for educational purposes have a word filter system on them. This word filter system highlights words that are inappropriate or considered rude. Then someone filters through all of the documents they receive to see if it was an actual violation or not because sometimes it can be for an assignment. As a teacher, I can remind my students of what cyberbullying is and its effects. I can also remind them that what they say/do can follow them for a very long time or maybe their whole lifetime. Lastly, I can then remind them of the word filter system that is in place on the technology. Another technology implementation issue is academic dishonesty. There are many websites that detect plagiarism in assignments so I would use those in my classroom. I would let my students know that I will be sending their assignments through plagiarism detectors if I sense that someone might've not submitted their own, original work. I would encourage my students to come to me with any and all questions because that is what I am there for. I would answer these questions happily knowing they are cheating or plagiarizing. 

A skill that I acquired from working on the newsletter was picture placement and how exactly to use columns effectively. Sometimes when I put my pictures onto my document they wouldn't move how I wanted them to. So, I learned how to wrap them and place them exactly where I would like. Then, I learned about the columns. I already knew how to put my document into columns but I didn't really know how to work or format them until working on this newsletter. I can improve my newsletter in the future by using a better color scheme. For some reason the way that my document looked on word and saved as a pdf had totally different colors so it was hard to work with. I finally got them to both be the same color but it took a long time and by then I had lost my patience with it. In my future career, geology, pamphlets and posters are often made to share your research so this helped me become more familiar with Microsoft Word.

Tuesday, January 18, 2022

Blog 2!!

    I don't have too much experience using Microsoft Word in school because Chromebooks were introduced to me in middle school and I have used Google Docs since then because I am familiar with it. In my freshman year of high school, I did get Microsoft certified, but I definitely lost those skills since I learned them and did not use them for years. At FSU, I have used Microsoft Word a little bit more than in high school because the education courses that I have taken preferred to use Word. However, I do still prefer Google Docs because I am more familiar with it and don't have to play around with the software to do my assignments and get them to look the way I want them to.
    The ISTE standard that I found most meaningful to me was 2.5 Designer. This standard essentially states that teachers should use technology to introduce different learning tools to accommodate different styles of learning which benefit a wide range of students in multiple ways. This facilitates a better understanding of the material. This also allows students to be creative and exposes them to a new learning environment. 
    A "digital native" is someone that was born in a time where technology is very popular and is used in many different ways than it used to. It can also be used to classify a group that uses technology as their native language in a way. This is a group of people who can learn different digital technology fast and efficiently.  I definitely agree with the term "digital natives" because the groups before the "digital native" group have a harder time picking up on different uses of technology and have a difficult time understanding how to get technology to work the way they want it to. However, if they pass the device to someone who is considered a digital native or even just show them a digital program they can reach the digital immigrant's goal faster. I didn't see much of a difference in the use of technology between myself and my teachers in grades K-12 because they were teaching a digital generation and wanted to "keep up". There were times when they would ask questions or would not be as fast setting up a PowerPoint as students were. However, there have been large differences between most of my teachers at FSU and myself with the use of technology. They are constantly asking questions and choose to work around technology or take longer getting used to different websites. Honestly, I feel as if this has made me more flexible in my learning which I have a hard time with because I tend to be a creature of habit. I do think, however, that sometimes the teachers who tend to not use technology can use it to make both of our lives easier in the learning environment, but they try to avoid it at all costs. I feel as if this will be a constant cycle. The generations after us will always be more knowledgeable and efficient in terms of technology, but with every generation, the groups will get better. For example, we are better than our parents in terms of technology, our kids will be better at technology than us, then their kids will be better at them. 

Tuesday, January 11, 2022

First Post (PLN)


    My name is Isabelle and I am majoring in Geology (it is very strange and uncommon, I know). When I graduate I hope to get into a 2-year Master's program to then become a geologist. I am not exactly sure where I want to work or what I want to do just yet, but I am currently in a research group that is exposing me to different career paths. I am minoring in education because I have always loved helping kids. In high school, I worked at Mathnasium which is a math tutoring center and I loved it. I hope to work with children on the side or in my free time while I am a geologist.

    I have used a lot of different technology in educational settings, especially since COVID-19 began. I have used many programs that help with geology labs such as unit cell and theriak-domino. Microsoft office and google drive are also very helpful pieces of technology. Canvas has been really helpful in the college setting in terms of posting videos, powerpoints, or announcements. When I was younger we used a variety of different quiz-based websites such as Kahoot, Khan Academy, Quizziz, and Quizlet.

    I feel as if I have many different PLN's. The main one that I go to often is the FSU Reddit, r/FSU. This Reddit is super helpful because there are many students that are in the same boat and there have been years worth of questions asked on this site. Then you can easily find your answer or read about someone's individual experience that might along the way of your own educational journey. Another PLN of mine includes my fellow peers. Since Geology is such a small program it acts more like a community since you are moving along with a small group of students from class to class each semester. We have formed study groups and use GroupMe to communicate. We always like to say "we are suffering together" since geology is a lot more difficult than we had all originally thought. These personal networks of mine have made it easier to navigate college and my specific program as well as keep my grades consistent. 

Blog 9!!

       Hello! So far this semester distance learning has been much more manageable than my previous semesters at FSU. I have actually been p...